We managed to get passports for everyone without raising suspicion & when it came time to pack we told them we were going to see grandma (I NEVER said we were going to St. George to see grandma-I'm pretty sneaky).
Me: "Guess what we're doing today kids..."
No answer...
Me: "we're going on a cruise-yeah!!"
Lauren burst into tears muttering something about the Titanic & hurricanes & dying.
Rachel looked panicked after seeing Lauren's reaction.
Hayden was just happy to bounce around.
Ben (with hands on hips & head cocked sideways): "are you telling me we AREN'T going to St. George?" Heavy sigh.
Not quite the reaction we expected
Ah well live & learn! I'll post more details & pictures soon (like once my head stops spinning from the holidays).
- Why am I up so late blogging from my iPhone?