Monday, October 26, 2009

A Birthday That Rocked

I typically love birthdays...including my own-until three years ago when I turned thirty. That was the year I got Bell's Palsy a week before my birthday (that was a kick in the head). I began to realize that things don't seem to work as well or be in the same places as they were when I was in my twenties. I knew that happened to other people, but in true ignorance of youth I thought it would take longer to catch up with me...Hahaha the joke's on me! But ny thirty-third birthday ROCKED, and that makes me think maybe my birthday's aren't really so bad...FOR NOW!!!

We celebrated in fabulous parental fashion. The night before my b day, Rob & I went to Parent/Teacher Conference, then to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (and thankfully Rob did NOT tell them to sing to me-I was not going to sit on the saddle and endure that). We finished out our night at Home Depot buying some fencing to try to keep the damn ducks in the backyard. I know it sounds absolutely boring, but I didn't have to make dinner, or put the kids in bed-that is a wonderful gift! I got some good gifts from family and friends-it's nice to be so loved!

On my birthday my amazing friends, Ali, Ann, Crystal and Wendi, took me to dinner at the Olive Garden then we went back to Wendi's to play Beatles Rock Band. It was hysterical! I knew I was inept at drumming, but I also showed NO promise on the guitar either (although in my defense nobody told me how to play the guitar right the first time)! Wendi showed off her mad Whammy Bar skills that made me green with envy! We played until 1:30 in the morning (sorry Brian)...

I am so thankful for such a great group of friends that are willing to be crazy with me (I prefer to not be the only citizen of Crazieville)! You girls are the BEST!!! Thanks for a truly memorable birthday!!!

The next part of my Birthday was going to Denver to see Wicked with Rob...and NO CHILDREN!!! More on that adventure to come soon!