Thursday, April 15, 2010

Only Gas?

When I was 8, I had to get 8 cavities filled. It was traumatizing! Dr. Pain (I can't remember his real name, but in light of how much it hurt I feel the nickname is suiting) didn't use ANYTHING to numb me and he wouldn't let my mom stay in the room with me. When I cried and protested he "reassured" me with phrases like: it didn't really hurt, they were just little cavities and to stop crying. Thanks to this experience I refused to go back to a dentist until I needed a root canal when I was 17 (sorry to all the boys I kissed prior to this...I did brush & floss A LOT though).

Fast forward 25 years from Dr. Pain. After testing out several dentists, I've found one we love...Rachel likes him so much she refers to him as Uncle Brian!

I sat in our beloved dentist office with my kids today and heard the dreaded words..."looks like you have a little cavity here Ben." I began to feel the panic set in, so I plastered a smile onto my face trying to be upbeat for Ben. I have to admit I am grateful it was Ben with the cavity not Lauren. He can take stuff like that, whereas Lauren would have used a toothbrush as a shiv, and kicked out the window to make her escape from the drill.

Dr. Brian got out the nitrous mask and told Ben he wasn't going to give him a shot that the laughing gas should be good enough. My breathing grew numbing...only gas? I trust Brian, but I did want to know why & explain my concerns. He listened, answered & proceeded. Ben sat there like he was sunbathing under the dental lamp. Relaxed, content, and pain-free!

When he was finished Ben proudly told Lauren "I had a cavity and I got laughing gas. But guess what-I didn't even laugh once! And I have another cavity so I get to come back again next week! Cool huh?"

The boy is kinda nuts, but I am thankful that his experience at the dentist was SO different than mine. So I say hallelujah-I won't have to drag him into the dentist office. I mean let's face it, I've got enough other phobia battles that one more would have probably thrown me over the edge!


  1. I love Dr. Brian--he is WONDERFUL!!! I am heartbroken that I have to use my dad's dentist here in boise for my 2ND ROOT CANAL. It was heinous today.

  2. Aww--thanks for the nice words. I'll have to tell Brian!
