Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's in a Name

I've been having some serious doubts about Hayden's name lately. I usually love his name, but the other day I was in a store & a lady behind me was getting after her child, also named Hayden. It probably wouldn't have been a big deal, except...the kid was not very cute and was terribly disobedient. I know that sounds horrible to say out loud, but you know good and well everyone has thought something similar!

Not that I can criticize too much in the obedience department right now...I just sent my Hayden to bed for at least the 10th time tonight. Make that 11.

I asked Hayden if I could change his name and started calling him Harry. I mean he is only 3, why would he care what his name is? Serves me right for asking, he wanted nothing to do with being renamed. He actually was belligerent when I tried calling him Harry a couple of times. I mean come on, what's in a name?

Richard Harrison, that's a good trade isn't it? Before he was born I asked Rob if we could name him Harrison...he declined emphatically.

His reasoning behind the immediate rejection was this: we knew if we had a boy his middle name was going to be Richard, after my dad, and if his name was Harrison his nickname was inevitably going to be Harry.

Stick with me now this IS going somewhere...(mainly toward the gutter)

With a first name Harry and middle Richard the teasing potential was HUGE based on the fact that the nickname for Richard isn't always Rick or you see the problem?

Now back to my current quandary...couldn't I change the order of the names to Richard Harrison and have him go by Harry and be okay? I thought so, but now instead of having only Rob strongly against having a son named Harry, my son that would be named Harry is adamantly against it.

Hayden it is then, disobedient, ugly kid at the store or not...Goodbye Harry!

Winter Pictures of the Kids

My babies are growing up so FAST!

Lauren-age 9 1/2
Please note the jeans-that is a HUGE sacrifice (battle)
for her to wear something other than a skirt! Which kills
me because she looks darling in jeans!

Benjamin-age 7
Love his blue eyes & Justin Beber hair!

Rachel-age 4 1/2
My only green-eyed, dimpled child

Hayden Richard-age 3
He was too busy trying to make everyone laugh to get a genuine smile!

Love these kids!


Is it just me or are our kids a little over-zealous about their ORAL HYGIENE products?

Keep in mind, we only have FOUR children...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We survived

I survived...actually WE survived. Rob went to Texas for work & I had some serious doubts as to our whether or not the kids & I would make it without killing each other off. He's our unofficial peace keeper-what I lack in patience the man has in spades. It's astounding!

There were some touch & go moments-like when Lauren wouldn't put her shoes on for church. Nothing says 'Love at Home' like your mom yelling at you on the way to church.

At least this time I wasn't trying to paint. He went to Texas last week & I figured I'd hurry & paint in the colors I liked. I was sufficiently punished for my wicked scheming (I had failed to take into account my four little "helpers"). But the bathroom & bedroom do look GOOD.

I now know that we can survive when Rob gets deployed with long as I keep my expectations low (& hire a babysitter for an evening).

Welcome Home love!