Wednesday, March 14, 2012

24th of July Boating at Deer Creek 2011

We took the party barge to Deer Creek to watch the annual Pioneer Day fireworks.

Ben & Lauren with Ethan & Brooke (the Conder cousins)
Shortly after this picture was snapped, the kite met an untimely demise!

I can't believe he can still do flips off the boat! I mean he is nearing 40 soon! ;)

Brad (Rob's bearded brother) & his daughter Elly

Hayden wouldn't let anyone up on the tub with him. He'd whack you with the foam noodle if you got close to him (& I think he had a spray gun hidden inside the tube as a backup deterrent).
**Did you notice Hayden & Ben are both blondes now? I couldn't stand their hair so dark anymore (they were both blondies when they were little & I missed it). Now Hayden gets called things like Slim Shady and Billy Idol, but let's face it he is DARLING as a toe-head!!

Lauren & her Aunt Jill

Thanks for holding my hat babe!
Poor Rachy didn't even stay awake long enough to see the fireworks!

We watch a movie while we wait for the fireworks to start.

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